ULY of Ocean Parkway Fine-tunes Teaching Skills

This past Sunday the Rebbeim and English teachers of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway got together to fine tune and hone their educational skills.

A guest speaker for professional development was invited to attend a Yom Iyun in order to address the entire staff on the subjects of “checking (your students) for understanding” knowing if you are reaching the whole class, and ways to motivate your students.

Rabbi Dr. David Jacobson flew in from California and spent the day at the yeshiva elaborating in part on how as educators we must never assume our students are understanding our lesson, but must continually find ways to measure and check their level of understanding.

In his very unique style of speaking Dr. Jacobson even explained the things teachers should be wary of that might not get them the desired results. Everyone was truly excited and inspired and all are looking forward to Dr. Jacobson’s return to follow up in the classroom to insure the lessons discussed & learned were applied.

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