Top 10 Frum Finds on Urban Dictionary

My friend Eitan gasped when he realized I had no idea what the Stern Hump was, of course it was some random word that some douche invented on Urban Dictionary which is a site devoted to people who decide to make up offensive terms and words. Almost every word and term on the site is devoted to something sexual, racist, …

Thoughts on joint husband-wife facebook accounts

I hate joint facebook accounts, I think they are stupid, but I understand them and I feel that should too.- – sound confusing? It has become a “thing” amongst Rabbis especially, to have joint husband and wife facebook accounts which make for very confusing facebook chats, messages and other random postings that you cannot decide which side of the facebook …

The Star-K will no longer pay you to marry older girls

The Star-K’s shidduch incentive program was hailed as brilliant when it first hit the mean streets of Baltimore. You see, Baltimore was suffering from a brain drain of sorts, the guys all left to New York and New Yorkers have long deemed Baltimore girls with that fretful status of GU – Geographically Undesirable, that left an abundance of aging girls who weren’t …

The Chanukah Presence

The current establishment of Chanukah presents really ticks me off and I’ll tell you why. Judaism purports to have its origins in first the private and then the public revelation of God to humans, and it has been changing with the times ever since.Now, that’s not to say that it changes like Christianity or Islam, but it definitely changes.  We used to …

Stuff single girls like

I was going to write this one, but the young lady who authors Frum N’ Flipping sent me this pretty comprehensive list. This is obviously a post written from a more frum perspective and from that of the older (over 21) girl that is in the shidduch crisis. Rumor has it that the author may be the first one to take …

Some frummies think a BT spouse will be better in bed

The first time I heard this one, I was talking to a girl whom I was dating, she told me that her Rabbis wife had told her that she had specifically looked for a Baal Teshuva when getting married so he would know how to please her in bed. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but as …

Shidduch phone call – you’re 6 feet tall right

I got a phone call today from a random 718 number, being that I rarely get any phone calls anymore since I moved west I picked it up and on the other end of the line I heard what I could imagine was one of those mixes between yeshivish and Chassidish guys from Boro Park telling me that my father …

Makeup makes girls look like idiots at their own weddings

Usually the girl looks pretty hot at her wedding, I’ve noticed that no matter how ugly she is in real life, on her wedding day she magically looks gorgeous – radiant may be the right word, the only problem is the makeup, especially the trend in frum circles to go for the Gothic eye shadow.Now I am a bit biased, …

Leiby Kletzky

May Leiby Kletzky’s neshama have an aliyah – my hair stands on end, I have chills and I am deeply saddened by the news of this shocking and gruesome murder of an innocent little boy in Brooklyn. My heart goes out to the family of Leiby Kletzky. Vos Iz Neias has some pictures of the funereal which I heard was …

I made my first gay shidduch

I don’t have that many frum gay friends, I count them all on one hand, so when I thought of the current shidduch I wasn’t working with much. I had mentioned it to both of the people involved some time ago and it just so happened that one of them was going to be visiting the others city so I …