Parshat Re’eh- Dwelling of G-d: Shilo vs. Jerusalem presents Rabbi Hershel Reichman teaching about this week’s parsha, Parshat Re’ehIn Parshat Re’eh, we read about the various resting places of the Holy Ark. The Torah refers to the final resting place of the Ark as “Menucha V’Nachala”. Chazal say, “Menucha”-tranquility, refers to Shilo and “Nachala”-a resting place, signifies Yerushalayim, the final destination of the AronHashem.The Shem MiShmuel asks why the Mishkan needed to sojourn …

the three weeks naaleh

The Three Weeks The gemara relates the story of Rabbi Akiva who was walking with several sages when they saw a fox emerge from the site of the destroyed Beit Hamikdash. The Chatam Sofer explains that a fox represents crafty slyness. In exile, we are less afraid of physical death and more afraid of our oppressors’ devious use of enticement …

The Joy of Sukkot

Based on a shiur by Rabbi Beinush Ginsburg. Why did Hashem command us to celebrate Sukkot in Tishrei, during the fall season? In addition why is their a special mitzvah of simcha on this holiday? The Sefer Hachinuch writes that it is the time of chag haasif-the ingathering of the harvest. There is natural joy at finally enjoying the fruits of …

spiritual elevation of physical reality naaleh

Spiritual Elevation of Physical Reality Judaism views marriage as one of the core aspects of Torah living. In fact, the first incident in the Torah involving people was the story of the marriage of Adam and Chava. In addition, the first commandment in the Torah is “Peru U’revu”-Be fruitful and multiply. The highlight of the marriage ceremony , that which …

parshat reeh dwelling of g d shilo vs jerusalem naaleh

Parshat Re’eh- Dwelling of G-d: Shilo vs. Jerusalem Click to Enlarge presents Rabbi Hershel Reichman teaching about this week’s parsha, Parshat Re’eh In Parshat Re’eh, we read about the various resting places of the Holy Ark. The Torah refers to the final resting place of the Ark as “Menucha V’Nachala”. Chazal say, “Menucha”-tranquility, refers to Shilo and “Nachala”-a resting …

parshat vayigash confrontation of kings

Parshat Vayigash – Confrontation of Kings When Yosef imprisons Binyamin, Yehuda attempts to arouse the compassion of Yosef by depicting the unbearable pain their father would experience upon hearing the news. Yosef then reveals himself by declaring, “I am Yosef. Is my father still alive?” The verse reads, “His brothers could not answer him because they were disconcerted.” Why did …

chanukah the inner battle

Chanukah The Inner Battle Chanukah comes from the root word chinuch. It is a time of rediscovery of self and a time to explore what we really yearn to achieve.  There are thirteen parshiot in the Torah that discuss the Mishkan because this pivotal concept teaches us how to bring Hashem into our world. Hashem says, “Make for me a …