Yes the rumors are true – I coerced someone into marrying me

This past Thursday night I coerced a hot chabad girl (she’s too tznius to be a Hot Chani) to marry me, I cornered her in a shul and gave her a nice necklace. Did you know that chabadniks don’t do engagement rings?  Yeah, something about the Rebbe and the Baal Shem Tov in a forest in Russia and not saying …

Guest Etiquette on Bar Mitzvah

Have you  been invited to a Bar Mitzvah? If it is your first time to attend one, it is very important to learn about the proper Bar Mitzvah etiquette. Maintaining proper decorum when attending such occasion will make a good impression on your host and will spare you from embarrassment.The most important part of Bar Mitzvah is the religious service. Never skip this …

Tips for Creating a Huppah

A Huppah or Chuppah is a Jewish wedding canopy with a piece of cloth or any covering draped over four poles.  The Huppah represents the home that the couple will build. There are no Halakhic requirements as to how big it should be and how it should appear. However, it should be big enough for the bride and groom to stand under.Decide on the type of Huppah …

Steps to Dancing the Horah

Horah is a traditional dance in Jewish weddings, bat mitzvahs, and bar mitzvahs. Many Jews refer to it as the unofficial king of the Israeli folk dances. The Hora is originally a Romanian folk dance and was brought from Eastern Europe by Jewish immigrants. In the past Hora was danced in the Kibbutzim and small communities. Later on, it became …

How to Act Properly When Attending a Jewish Wedding

Jewish weddings are typically full of rituals representing the importance of the relationship of husband and wife and their obligations to a Jewish lifestyle.  As a guest, it is of much importance to understand the basics of Jewish weddings and to behave properly. I have listed below some tips on how to act appropriately when attending a Jewish wedding.Observe proper dress code. Most …

How to Prepare a Seudah Mafseket

Seudah Mafseket or the Yom Kippur Pre-Fast meal should provide enough sustenance for the day of fasting. You can still prepare a delicious meal for Seudah Mafseket despite a few food restrictions. However, keep in mind that the meal served should be low in salt and high in carbohydrates.Plan your menu. Rice and potato kreplach are traditionally served on this …

Jewish Wedding Traditions: Breaking the Glass

Breaking the glass is part of Jewish wedding ceremonies. This ritual often concludes the wedding ceremony. The groom stomps on a glass with his foot and the guests shout “Mazel Tov.” Several meanings are associated with the smashing of the glass during a Jewish wedding. Some believe that this symbolizes the fragility of marriage, while others believe that breaking the glass serves …

How to Prepare Your Own Jewish Wedding Program

Jewish wedding programs are a great way to outline the events of your wedding. The program is specifically important if you have guests who are non-practicing Jews or if you have an interfaith wedding. It will guide your guests to unfamiliar rituals incorporated in your wedding. Here’s how you can create your own Jewish wedding program:Research about the different elements …

Traditional Jewish ceremonies

Baby naming ceremoniesEvery individual is born different. They say that no two individuals are alike, twins may look identical, but not everything about them is the same. But what’s special and unique about each and every one of us, is our names. One of the most exciting times for a parent is naming their babies. In the Jewish tradition, baby …

Jewish Music

Jewish Religious MusicJust as Judaism is a beautiful religion, its music is colorful and diverse. Jewish music is mostly religious in nature though modern Jewish music, although some still religious vary from classical, romantic, and folk music. Religious Jewish music is synagogal and cantorial. The earliest Jewish music was patterned from the one used in the Temple in Jerusalem.Judaism combines …